D-Limonene Degreaser Sold by the case of 12 (qty), 15 oz cans. This non-chlorinated, heavy-duty degreaser penetrates grease and oil deposits. It is a natural citrus solvent that is 100% biodegradable which means it works safely and quickly, yet is tough enough to remove tar, grime, adhesives, stickers, gum, ink, paint, and other soils. And it won't leave a residue. Apply directly to surface. Personal protection equipment is recommended. D-Limonene Degreaser has a citrus fragrance. Ideal for the effective removal of grease, oil, corrosion, sludge, adhesives, sap, tar, light graffiti, and wet paint. D-Limonene Degreaser is a fast-acting citrus solvent that has been premixed in exacting proportions during manufacturing, so you never have to measure or mix, or risk using a solution that's too strong to be safe or too weak to be effective. Aerosol products allow you to spray the exact amount you need, thereby minimizing waste. Availability: 12/case (15 oz cans) Manufacturer: Chase Products Co. Model#: CHA 5350 Shipping Weight: 12.25 lbs MSDS available after purchasing.
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