Micro Sewer Solve (02 MSS) Micro Sewer Solve is live bacteria specifically designed for their ability to digest grease and eliminate odors. The bacteria cultures digest proteins, fats, oils, and greases. Use in grease traps, septic tanks, fields, cesspools, municipals, pipes, and drain fields. Dilutions vary according to use. USDA Authorized (L2). Phosphate free. Specs: pH: 6.8 + 0.2 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: .999 COLOR: Milky white ODOR: Slightly floral Availability: 1 gallon 4/1 gallon cases 5 gallon pails 30 gallon drums 55 gallon drums Pallets of 48 (qty), 4/1 gallon cases Pallets of 36 (qty), 5 gallon pails MSDS Sheet available after purchase
Product 10/19