Blue Moon Car Wash Detergent Liquid, 5 Gallon Pail


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Product Description

Blue Moon Car Wash Detergent, 5 Gallon Pail

Liquid car wash detergent concentrate for normal soil accumulations. Ideal for brush and cloth automatic car washes. Can also be used for carwashing by hand. High foam for foam brush application.

- Wets, penetrates, emulsifies, loosens soil, oil, dirt, grease film.
- Cleans and lubricates brushes and cloth.
- Will not streak or spot, rinses freely, completely.
- Does not contain phosphates.
- Use on painted surfaces, aluminum, stainless, brightwork, glass.

- Physical Form: Clear Liquid
- Color: Blue
- Scent: Blueberry
- Specific Gravity: 1.02
- Density: 8.5 lbs. per gallon
- Foam Test 1% solution: Initial- 180 mm, 5 minutes- 160 mm
- pH Conc.: 8.0 - 9.0
- Total Solids: 16.6%
- Biodegradable: Yes

Manufacturer: Warsaw Chemical
  • Model: Warsaw 60265-0000005

Blue Moon Car Wash Detergent Liquid, 5 Gallon Pail

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