Knight Misting Nozzle Conversion Kit Please note that Knight product images may not match perfectly due to the manufacturer not having images for different versions of product models. Please contact us if you have any questions about what you are ordering. **All Knight Products Have a 2-3 Day Handling Time** The Misting Nozzle Conversion Kit contains the parts necessary to convert the Pro-Watch 510T or the Pro-Watch 510XT into an odor control misting unit (Pro Watch Misting System). For 510T & 510Xt Only The Pro-Watch Misting System is engineered to dispense Odor Counteragents, Enzymes and other odor control chemicals through a misting spray nozzle. This system is perfect for roll away bins, trash compactors and other garbage and cardboard repositories that produce noxious odors that can offend customers and residential neighbors. Part Number: 8600643
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