Borax Base Powder Base Hand Cleaner, 25 lbs Box


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Product Description

Borax Base (Powder Base Hand Cleaner), 25 lbs Box

Powder hand cleaner with scrubbing action. This pure, mild, perfumed hand cleaner removes dirt and gives rich lather, Borax provides gentle, effective scrubbing action that removes embedded ground-in oil, grease, grime.

- Completely dissolves after it cleans and will not clog drains or traps.
- Easy on hands.
- Excellent cleaning action.
- Will not de-fat the skin.
- Leaves hands soft and smooth even after repeated use.
- Phosphate free.
- Pure, mild ingredients remove surface dirt and give rich lather.
- Borax provides gentle but effective scrubbing action that removes embedded, ground-in oil, grease, and grime.

- Physical Form: Powder
- Color: White
- Scent: Lemon
- Specific Gravity: 0.82
- Density: 51.38 lbs. per cubic ft.
- pH 2%: 9.1
- Active Alkalinity: 8.86%
- Total Alkalinity: 11.02%

Simply wet hands, apply a small amount of hand cleaner. Rub into a lather and rinse.

Manufacturer: Warsaw Chemical
  • Model: Warsaw 30402-0000025

Borax Base Powder Base Hand Cleaner, 25 lbs Box

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