Stripper 410 Hot Tank Dip For Aluminum, 100lbs Drum


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Product Description

Stripper 410 Hot Tank Dip For Aluminum, 100lbs Drum

For hot vat or recirculating spray unit cleaning of alternators, carburetors, transmission casings, starters. For removal of grease, oil, paint, light rust, and dirt from aluminum, zinc, alloys, cast and Babbitt metal.

- Contains rust inhibitor.
- Solution is not flammable. No flash point.
- Contains no solvent
- Speeds repair work time by providing maximum cleaning.
- Low foam wash compound.
- No fumes.

- Physical Form: Powder
- Color: White
- Scent: Pine
- Specific Gravity: 0.970
- Density: 60.53 lbs. per cubic ft.
- Active Alkalinity: 21.227%

Hot Vats: Use 1/2 to 2 pounds of detergent (depending on soil load) per gallon ofwater g/liter). Heatto 1800-2100 F (820 - 990 C). Follow equipment manufacturer's instructions.

Spray Wash: Preheat water to 1400 - 1500 F (600 - 660 C). Circulate water and '/4 to 1 pounds of detergent per gallon ofwater (30-125 g/liter). Raise temperature to 1600 - 1800 F (710 - 820 C) to operate. Consult equipment manufacturer's instructions for proper operation. Rinse cleaned parts thoroughly with hot water.

Manufacturer: Warsaw Chemical
  • Model: Warsaw 20505-0000100

Stripper 410 Hot Tank Dip For Aluminum, 100lbs Drum

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