Product Description
Oxygen Bleach Quick Dissolving Powder, 25lbs Box
Concentrated oxygen bleach that is safe to use on all colorfast fabrics - natural and synthetic. Non- chlorinated, completely soluble and convenient to use. Excellent stain removing power, yet mild on fabrics.
- Colors stay brighter, look livelier.
- Strong enough to remove heavy stains while providing noticeable whitening power. Mild enough to be used with each load of clothes without fear of tendering the fabric.
- Safe to use on synthetic blends, cottons, wool, and linen fabrics. Ideal for wash 'n wear and permanent press.
- Quick dissolving powder will not cause bleach burns - can be used in same wash cycle as detergent.
- Oxygen Bleach will remove stains resulting from: alcohol, candy, coffee, fruit juice, ice cream, meat juices, perspiration, blood, chocolate, cream, grass stains, ink, milk, and tea.
- Harmless to septic tanks and plumbing.
- Use with either soap or detergent in top loader and front loader automatic washes.
- Physical Form: Powder
- Color: White
- Scent: None
- Bulk Density: 60.03. per cubic ft.
- Specific Gravity: 0 .962
- pH 2% Solution: 11.01
- pH Solution (As Is): 8.9
- Active Alkalinity: 19.9%
- Total Alkalinity: 37.17%
Use Oxygen Bleach (I /2 to I /3 cup depending on size of washer) in the same wash cycle as detergent. Can also be used separately for light or newly stained fabrics Follow with a water rinse.
For old or heavy stains, a soaking solution may be required. A soaking solution consists of 1/4 cup Oxygen Bleach and 1 tablespoon of detergent in I to 2 quarts of hot water. Soak stains 5 to 15 minutes, then launder.
Manufacturer: Warsaw Chemical
- Model: Warsaw 30241-0000025