19" Light Green Floor Pad, case of 5


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Product Description

19" Light Green Floor Pad, case of 5

Polish your clean floors with this multi-rpm, long lasting floor pad designed for wet or dry polishing applications-provides a high-gloss look to TMT finished floors. It should be attached to the pad driver and secured with a center-locking, pad grabber. Flip the pad upon a noticeable reduction in overall performance, and replace the floor pad entirely after both sides have been used. It is tailored for use in theaters, restaurants, retail outlets, hotels, shopping malls, schools, office buildings, and homes.

This product requires the use of a floor machine, burnisher, or automatic scrubber.

Moonglow is the second stage of a 3-pad Titanium Matrix Technology (TMT) floor maintenance system as developed by Snee Chemical Company. This pad is made to enhance gloss on floors that have been coated with titanium cross-linked floor finish. TMT pads include:

Vaporizer-Finish Removal Pad (burgundy)
Moonglow-Gloss Enhancement Pad (light green)
Rejuvenator-Surface Contaminate Removal Pad (gray)

Floor Pad radius:

Typical Equipment:
Floor Machine | Automatic Scrubber

5/1 case

Model#: PAD MG19
Shipping Weight: 5.2lbs (case)

  • Model: PAD MG19

19" Light Green Floor Pad, case of 5

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